Wednesday, April 22, 2009

South Park

Every episode of season 13 (part 2) was superb. South Park remains among the most consistently funny and creative shows on television.
Mar 11, 09 - The Ring
Mar, 18 09 - The Coon
Mar, 25 09 - Margaritaville
Apr 1, 09 - Eat, Pray, Queef
Apr 8, 09 - Fishsticks
Apr 15, 09 - Pinewood Derby
Apr 22, 09 - Fatbeard
There were multiple belly laughs jokes in each of these episodes, and as always, the social commentary was intentionally heavy handed from both sides. I think Eat, Pray, Queef and The Ring standout as my favorites, but tonight's bonus episode about Somali pirates was brilliant too.

The nature of South Park's animation has allowed it to be more responsive to current events than virtually any other sitcom in history - cartoon or otherwise. While an episode of The Simpsons takes 4-6 months to create, a South Park episode can be animated in less than a week.

Also, they stream every episode for free at

1 comment:

niki holden said...

margaritaville is the hands down best, imo...